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CANT is a neural simulator written in java. Here is a
  • CANT Tutorial.
  • The CABot agent is an extension of CANT23. A variety of code is available. In most recent to least recent, here are a list of files
    1. CABot3 is available on the CABot3 page .
    2. The labelling and pronoun resolution code can be found on the labelling and pronoun resolution page
    3. The stackless parser code is available from the on the stackless parser page
    4. CABot2 is available. A more extensive explanation can be found on the CABot 2.0 page
    5. The code for the Learning Dichotomies Experiment is available at ecai08code.tar. A more extensive explanation can be found on the Learning Dichotomies draft ECAI08 paper
    6. The CANT Variable Binding Code is available at cantvb.tar.gz. A more extensive explanation can be found on the Variable Binding page
    7. CABot1 is available. A more extensive explanation can be found on the CABot 1.0 page
    8. A version of the parse code is available from here. The file has to be RENAMED. It is a self-extracting zip file, and should be renamed parse.rar.exe. Then run the exe. It has a readme for some directions. It will require a java compiler (javac) and interpretter (java).
    9. Here is CANT23 self extracting zip file from Sept. 1 2006. Save the file as CANT23.exe and run it.