State Space
- A standard technique for AI developers is to break a problem
down into a state space.
- You describe all the possible states of the system.
- You then describe how you move from one state to another.
- Problem solving can then be moving from the start state (or current
state) to the goal state.
- Another mechanism is to evaluate the states and find the
best (or good enough) state.
- Buckland uses the Tower of Hanoi problem.
- I think Missionaries and Cannibals does well. You have 3 missionaries,
3 cannibals and a boat on the edge of a river. The boat only holds
two people. If the cannibals ever outnumber the missionaries on
either side of the river, they eat them. How can you get everyone
across the river?
- What are the possible states?
- How do you change from one state to another?
- Do a search.