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Lab 1

  1. Open up the XNA Game Studio Express (via Start).
  2. Under getting started click Create Your First (C#) Application.
  3. Follow your nose to make a C# hello world program.

  4. From the help window (from that first bit), expand getting started with XNA studio, then click on your first game. (You can also go to the help and search for "Create My First Game")
  5. Again follow your nose....but highlights below.
  6. Add a sprite. (step 4) (Note I couldn't get this to work with a gif file (at runtime) but used a bmp.)
  7. Make the sprite move (step 5).
  8. Explore (step 6). I like the idea of putting in another sprite and having them bounce off each other.
  9. A simpler idea is to first make it go faster, then add some controls to change the movement speed.
  10. See what you can come up with.