Towards an Agent-Based Independent Component Analysis Roman Belavkin Abstract A question of using decision-theoretic agents for Independent Components Analysis (ICA) is investigated. In ICA, the observable signal is a mixture of statistically independent sources. ICA algorithms find transormations of the observable mixture that minimise the dependence between its components (e.g. by minimising mutual information or maximising the entropy or its approximations for the observable). This triple (the observable, the measure of independence and the transformations) is used as the input, utility and actions of a decision-theoretic agent. Using Bayesean inference on the Markov transition model between input states (observables), utilities (their independce) and actions (tranformations), the agent learns which transformations decompose the input signal into a set of independent sources. In addition, the question of using communities of agents is also discussed. For the linear ICA, the output of an agent can be the demixing matrix, but the conpcept could potentially be applied to the non-linear ICA.